I know I’m special to you,
AFTV, Mr Remind let's get the elephant out the room first mate, why is your posting inconsistent?
God’s plan. Next question?
So before you continue may I suggest you hit this here to get Part One, and then discover God’s greatest gift here. This next part is for those who know God’s love, but maybe like myself just don’t feel him around all the time.
RECAP: So I established that during our baby boy
Aquafina is a water bottle brand, and one of the first things you associate with water is purity.
Not to be confused with the pure water in Naija, WHATUPRG uses it as reference to being pure. Abstaining away from sexual immorality.
In the song it’s sort of split between two distinct pieces of knowledge. One being his lover, his awareness of how much sauce he has and the strong influence he has when having physical interactions with ladies. If he wants it, he can have it.
(And for those that don’t think they attract the opposite sex, pornography is an evil, easy way out.)
He knows this.
The other side is knowing that there’s a God out there who cares for him. In which without him, he is nothing. He knows that if he reaches out he’ll be ok. If he wants it, he can have it.
He again, know this too.
I was in a choir not that long ago and everyone had to do a solo in practice on a couple of lines. It went:
Lord help my life, I prayyyyy. I want to be holyyyyy, just for youuuuu.
Not that I could sing well but as I started to almost uproot the words out, the meaning grew deeper in my heart.
Often holy and pure go hand in hand. To be holy is to be different. Stand out. It’s a spiritual way of saying my Yé Is Different to Your Yé.
And to be pure is to be clean. It’s now woke to discuss people’s smell and look, which in turn can be a huge insult to someone’s else day.
But as a Christian you can shower and Lynx yourself a thousand times like AJ, the purity in this case is to be without sin.
For anyone that feels that they aren’t worthy to know God, to go to Church or to even pray because of something you’re ashamed of, I’m here to tell you that’s nonsense. The devil often tries to trick you into thinking your sins can’t be forgiven, and will use every tool in the shed to convince you that’s true. The blood of Jesus is here to save you, you just got to believe in him and not the problems of life.
While I was at uni, my momma was forever worried about me and girls (still is). She constantly told me that sex was for the elite. At least that’s how I saw it. The elite being the married.
“No sex till you’re married!”
I know.
From the moment puberty entered the game, I obtained the balls (pun intended) to talk-back whenever my ‘masculinity’ was challenged.
Picture a game of Family Fortunes. Whether it’s Steve Harvey or the OG for me, Les Dennis.
The question would be what is the most common thing that Festus responds with when he doesn’t like what he heard?
I already know the answer to this
It was almost natural to me to respond with I know, unconsciously saying it.
“You know you like saying I know to everything?”
“Yeah, I know I do.”
I sort of had that “luxury” of growing up in church. My Dad was an usher and my Mum was a Sunday school teacher.
The possibility of missing a day of church was fictional. Heck even when we went on holidays we spent the Sunday doing bible study.
I know the stories in the bible of what God did in the lives of Job, Moses, Joseph and his A1 coat.
I know that God forgives too. Saying the Lord’s prayer over and over again it reiterated that his infinite mercy allows us to be saved.
…I’m special to you.
And in life we kinda don’t acknowledge that enough, we sort of only mention things like that when we’re almost trying to win God back. To convince him that we still love him.
It’s funny because God doesn’t need my assurance. Because when he sent his son to die for us, that was our lifetime insurance.
Our eternal grace. That’s how I know that I’m special to God.
But the tough part isn’t knowing, it’s actually dropping the earthly desires with you. In Matt 16:24 it says “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
I’ve known that this is what you got to do to be a true follower of Christ. I know the verses, probably know the verse you put on your Insta bio.
I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13) but when the storm rises, I’ll be moving like Jonah and then wondering why my boat is so rocky.
I know what I must do, but it’s tough to overcome what our flesh craves. So now it’s hard to understand.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. – Matt Twenty-Six Fourty-One.
The crazy thing is that we know we’re special to God, and occasionally we acknowledge how special he is to us. We know what God has done for us and can do for us. That’s the flame within us, the will.
But because he hasn’t got that special place in our hearts that is immovable, it’s always a phase with our relationship with him.
So I’d realise my boat is rocky, lose my hope in God and look for other options. If Drake could sing to you ‘I’m more than just an option’, how much more with God himself?
Then we go back into sin, looking for something to fill the void that was formed and never filling it.
I guess my future is irrelevant if it ain’t in your hands so…
This line is said in the song right before the iconic melody. If our future isn’t in God’s hands then we don’t know where we will be. God knows the plans he has for you. (Jer 29)
And you know you’re fading away in faith when the things you boldly believed in, are now guesses, blurs.
We are special to God, on an individual level as you are his special child. But also as a collective as we are his people.
Let’s understand why God is special to us and apply it to our everyday walk in life, so it keeps us grounded and prevents you from forgetting who you are.
Boy Better Know My God is special tho.
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